Drum Roll Please…..Introducing Mighty Kind Rewards!
We are excited to announce that we are creating more ways to make our community and environment an even better place! And we are inviting you to have the opportunity to join us! As you are aware, it is our mission to make it easier and more accessible for everyone to be a part of the solution when it comes to creating a healthier, more sustainable environment. And we strive to enhance our cohesive, community spirit. What better way to do this than with Mighty Kind Rewards? What are Mighty Kind Rewards you may ask? Well, let’s dive right into what it’s all about!
Similar to our rewards program in which you can redeem earned points and use them toward a purchase or dollars off a purchase, you now have the option of using it toward a donation. You can still take advantage of our regular rewards program of course, but if you so desire to “pay it forward”, now you can! You can also use a portion of your points toward your own rewards, as well as donate a portion of your points toward a cause. Each dollar spent at Mighty Market earns 7 points, and we offer multiple ways to earn points. Every month we will feature a local cause and an environmental cause. For the month of September, our local cause is Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa, and our environmental cause is One Tree Planted. If you’d like more information on other ways to earn rewards points or to sign up for our rewards program, click here: Mighty Rewards
A Little Bit About These Two Special Causes–
Loaves and Fishes
Loaves and Fishes is a community based food program for the hungry throughout Contra Costa County. The volunteers of this organization provide a warm, friendly refuge for those in need of meals or pantry items. Established in 1983, Loaves and Fishes has provided millions of meals to thousands of people in our county. They partner with many other social service agencies and they even have a culinary arts training program! Their mission is to nourish lives! For more information on dining room locations, food pantry details, or volunteer opportunities, please visit their website: Loaves and Fishes
One Tree Planted
One Tree Planted is a non-profit organization taking on reforestation around the world. Established in 2014, this operation has created reforestation partnerships with 43 other countries to repair forests after devastating floods and fires. One Tree Planted is passionate about its love for trees because of the six pillars regarding why trees are so crucial to our environment to survive and thrive: air, water, biodiversity, health, climate, and the social impact provided by trees. For every dollar donated, one tree is planted. To learn more about the value and impact trees have on our environment, or ways to get involved, check out their link below. One Tree Planted offers multiple opportunities for individuals, businesses, and teachers and students to take part in reforestation, as well as tree planting events. One Tree Planted
We hope you join us and be a part of this pay it forward, feel-good opportunity! Let’s face it, it’s been a tough time getting through a pandemic, being bombarded by the news with negative events around the world, and the tension felt by many with the stress of it all. Sometimes it can feel like we are helpless to our circumstances. It’s imperative to stay positive, optimistic, and remind ourselves we can make a difference! Here at Mighty Market, we want to make it easier for you to have options to make a difference and feel good!
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